February, 2003
2/11: It seems like forever since we've had a chance to cast a line this year. With a couple of days open from the ski teaching schedule last weekend I'd hoped to at least get down to the Eagle for an hour or two. Then a cold front came through with the coldest temperatures of the year. The river's locked up solid. In fact it's running at its lowest level in recent memory, and literally may freeze solid unless this arctic high releases its grip soon. Clearly fishing's still way off on the horizon.
Last Logbook Entry � for previous days.
2/22: The horizon arrived. On a day off from skiing the dog & I headed down to the county offices and did some data input. Then we drove up to the lease water on the Eagle & wooly buggered our way down to a favorite pool. Unfortunately the wooly bugger never touched any fish flesh. So we turned upstream, changed to a double nymph rig of leading black cone head stone & trailing POGS. After a few minutes a fat, hen 16 inch rainbow blessed the stone with her presence. The fish was obviously a blond since nothing else happened while we continued walking further back to the car. Still, it was better than no fishing at all. Maybe another chance to get out Sunday.
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