February, 1999


2/3:  The month end data gathering trip to Aspen presented a short opportunity to do an hour of casting on one of that town's related streams.  Because the Colorado was running very clear on my way over, I stopped at No Name & hiked a half mile upstream to do some nymphing.

It turned out to be a reasonably productive experience.  The double rig of small light colored stone trailed by a #20 cross cut egg fly landed a couple of fish right off the bat - one 12" brown & a 16" whitey.  As a test, I then fished a combo rig of dark stone (which has been the best fly recently on the Eagle) along with a yellow stone of the same size.  Interestingly the lighter shade produced every other fish from that point on.  Lost one large rainbow and several other whiteys, landing another half dozen in the time I fished.

2/6:  An extremely frustrating day of fishing on the Eagle.  Cold temperatures, swirling winds, and my propensity to lose rigs on the bottom of a rocky stretch of stream below the Trestle Rapid brought a quick end to what I'd hoped would be a more rewarding couple of hours of casting.  Used the same double nymph rig (dark stone and small egg), but couldn't connect with the strikes I did have and ended up landing only one lonesome 12" rainbow.  Now I can spend the rest of the afternoon tying enough flies to replace the dozen or so I lost.

Last Logbook Entry  for previous days.

2/21:  Mother Nature just didn't cooperate on my last day off before March.  19 degree temperatures, ice packs drifting on the Eagle, frozen guides, frozen line, and frozen hands all contributed to a lousy last outing for the month.  Two miserly 12" rainbows were dumb enough to chomp down on a dark #10 stone, but that was it.  Getting a decent drift through the flow ice was virtually impossible.  Oh well, it's always better to be outside than banging away at the computer.

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