July, 2018

 7/6-10:  Our second visit to Kamalame in the Bahamas.  Very similar to our trip there in 2017.


7/12:  Drought conditions exist in the state this summer.  Gore Creek is still immune to that problem, but the issue will arrive shortly we fear.  In the meantime, it's good fishing as usual on our local stream.  Here's a short video of this week's action:



7/15-16:  A nice quick trip with Sue and our doggies to our favorite Colorado place to fish and camp.  The fishing wasn't overwhelming, but the camping and outing was enjoyed by all of us.  Here's the short video of the trip:



7/19-20:  White River redux, but this time I was on my own hoping for some extra time to try to figure how how to hook some of the larger fish lurking in a couple of pools on this river.  Eventually was able to figure at least part of it out and managed to release a couple in the eighteen inch range. 

This will be our last trip to the White this season.  Hopefully we'll have better water flows in 2019:


7/26-27:  One of our favorite summer Colorado trips was shortened this year mostly due to low stream flows.  In fact we were unable to fish Anthracite Creek due to that issue.  Nonetheless the traditional lobster roll we ate atop the Almont Triangle camping spot was the highlight again.  We had at least modest success everywhere we fished - from the Arkansas to the Taylor to the East and finally to the Crystal River.

Here's the short video of the expedition:

Last logbook Entry  for previous day

7/29:  Most of the streams we like to fish in Colorado are being shut down right now.  A late monsoon season and low snow pack from last winter are having very negative effects on our water quality and overall supply.  I'm voluntarily exiting our home water Gore Creek, as while it's still open for fishing, the trout are simply too vulnerable.

Had a last few couple of hours on the water this day and that's it for the year.  A short video of the fishing follows:


Two days from now we're headed to the Sea of Cortez - where there's plenty of water - and we hope lots of fish.



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