July, 2022
7/1-13: We've had two short overnighter camping/fishing (sort of) trips this month with very little to show for the fishing part of it. Our last one on Monday, the 11th was to the upper Arkansas near the Kobi SWA. We hiked a ways upstream from a somewhat off the radar parking lot and did have a bit of success on a very small braid of that river. The browns were similarly smallish.
Had hoped to try a bigger stretch of the Ark. the next morning, but the temperatures were so chilly (ice on the table when we woke up) we passed on suffering through wading a river that's still running a bit too high anyway. And that's about it.
We're likely stuck at home next week for a couple of reasons, but after that most of the streams we enjoy should be out of runoff mode and much more accessible. Stay tuned.
Last Logbook Entry � for previous day
7/21-22: Fishing trips have been few and far between this summer - as they have been for the past three years due to a lack of winter snow in the mountains. Bad snow pack means short runoffs in the summer and streams being shut down to conserve the ability of what trout we have remaining to survive another drought season.
Happily I got "time off" for a quick two day trip to what for over thirty years has been our very favorite stream in this state. Drove quickly to Meeker and then up the White for a long morning of casting (and decent catching). Ate a late lunch about 2:30 followed by a couple of short wades on the South Fork and the North Fork stems of this river. Neither were very productive.
An overnight camp out on the plateau above Lake Avery was pleasant, but the morning shore casting on that lake was the poorest I've had this year. My fault. Didn't get on the water until the sun was on it, and that was a major mistake. Repeating some of the sections of the White from yesterday also proved more or less poor too. One big rainbow released made up for the other shut outs.
Here's our regular (and maybe overly long video) of some decent fishing on the trip:
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