April, 2022
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4/3-9: This was a quick spring getaway to a place
we've been in the past - Punta Pescadero
Our last trip here was in October, 2020. We remember that the air temperatures were really over the top hot on that last trip.. It was amazing to see the numbers of dead bait fish along the shoreline when we walked the beaches. The marauding jacks (and maybe some roosters) were driving the terrified small fish crazy and out of the water to escape predation.
This year the water temperature was roughly 23 degrees Celsius which is too cool to lure the predators up from the bottom and closer to the shallow water that surrounds the resort area. Ergo. The fishing wasn't particularly good..
The resort was still very nice to visit. The rooms are well laid out and maintained. Housekeeping is great. This year we had Netflix on which to binge when tired by too much blind casting with limited results.
Staff is friendly and accommodative. Local Mexican food was well presented and very tasty although any given entree never came to the table the same from meal to meal.
Prices for the flight to and from Los Cabo was reasonable and the flight itself was only a couple of hours from Phoenix. The only rough part of the trip is getting from the airport to the resort. By taxi it's about $135 each direction, and the road from Los Barriles is downright nasty - fifteen miles an hour would be the top speed there.
So as much as we like the resort itself, since we cannot depend on the quality of the fly fishing there, I suspect it's unlikely that we would return there again. Here's the usual video clips movie of the fishing and the resort:
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