September, 2020

Last Logbook Entry  for previous day

9/2 and a couple of prior days.  Our last fishing trip through Wyoming and Montana is usually one of the best though certainly the last of the season for us.

This year we were blind sided by a weather forecast that was so far off the reality of what was gong on that I remain truly disturbed by that ineptness.  We always plan these outings around the weather, so with a forecast of the 71 degrees and slightly cloudy for the first two days followed by lots of sun, we set out.

Just traveling on the freeway was nothing less than brutal with steady 40 m.p.h. wind along with 60 + m.p.h. mile gusts.  As nasty as it gets.  But yes, it really did get worse.  Next day it was cold rain and yes, snow on the hills around us.  Enough said.

We enjoyed the view of Square Top Mountain at the far end of Green River Lakes, and still had to cut our trip short by at least a day due to the rotten weather.

Here's the "bad news bears" video of the trip:



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