July, 2019
A third visit to Kamalame Caye was another good one. Click the link for the short story.
.7/22-24: We did a quick two night three day trip over to Utah and back. Camped the first night at Flaming Gorge, set up the kayak and did a bit of trolling but didn't even have a bump of any sort. Didn't mind though as the outing was really just to get our pup used to a camping situation. He also learned how to swim - and then managed to jump us in the back of the car soaking wet while we were trying to sleep.
Next day we drove the back road to the B section of the Green and did an hour or so of casting there too. I was shut out, missing a dozen strikes, but Sue released a couple of decent browns - the largest being around 18 inches. Nice fish. Drove through Meeker and camped atop Lake Avery again. Thought about trying the White in the morning, but it was a bit too cold for wet wading, and the stream is still running bank full.
8//9: Quick couple of hours on our local Eagle River produced some results where the fish were better than the fisherman. In other words, plenty of strikes and/or fish hooked but poor play by the person at the other end of the line. Released one fine brown trout, a few more small ones, but did the normal poor job of hooking and playing that I seem to go through early every season. Here's the short down and dirty vid of the trip:
Last logbook Entry � for previous day
8/12-14: Gunnison River and Anthracite Creek
Despite one of our favorite early season rivers still flowing too high, the Gunnison gave us some decent success this day. With no hatches visible it took a lot of experimentation to finally figure out that the local browns were still in love with yellow sallies. And the smaller the better. A little flat wing model worked best on the first stretch of stream we fished a couple of miles below the confluence with the North Fork.
The following day a mile or two up the Black Canyon stem, it was all about hoppers. A foam bodied one tossed close to the shore brought plenty of strikes and a number of releases of browns between 14-18 inches. A really nice morning of fishing.
The main problem with the fishing is still the high water flow. Trying to fight your way through the undergrowth to get a line in the water is no fun at all.
Anthracite Creek at the campground was nicely productive too. The stream bed shifts every season here and while we didn't spend a lot of time on the water, where we found some deeper pools, the fish were waiting and were hungry. Released nothing but rainbows in sizes up to sixteen inches which is great for this smallish stream.
Here's the video of the activity along with some clips of our fun camping:
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