June, 2018

6/8-10:  Our first trout fly fishing trip since getting back from AZ.  It was something of a mixed bag, but even with the high early summer flows we had decent success in a couple of places on the Arkansas.  The upper South Platte was more or less a disaster due to high flows and even higher winds when we were on the water there.  Here's a quick video of the trip:

Tomorrow morning (Sue gets to join us) we're off to the Gunnison for hopefully some early season yellow sallie casting.

6/11-12:  As noted above, we did the Gunnison for these two days.  Could have been another half day longer, but our favorite camping spot was taken when we returned to it late in the afternoon of the second day.  So...........we surrendered about this stream after two great days of fishing, drove over McClure Pass and were able to camp out at another of our favorite places on the Crystal River overlooking the Ragged Mountains.

It was a really nice trip this time.  The yellow sally's were on the water as we suspected they might be, and we scored pretty much at will.  As the water was so good on the main stem of the river, we didn't bother driving the rest of the way to the Black Canyon section and doing the long walk up that part of the river.

I was disappointed in one of the sally patterns I'd spent a lot of time tying before we left on the trip.  It was touted to be a do all, end all pattern - and we found it to be just the opposite.  As it was strictly yellow colored, it lacked the one thing going on when we were on the water on the Gunnison - an orange butt.  So other stuff worked.  From a #12 golden stone to a #18 flat wing sally, we got strikes all over the place.  Hook ups were less common, and I don't know if I can attribute that to my early season (and late of age) reactions or what.  But the whole experience was terrific.  Here's another clunky video of the trip.  More adventures next week though we don't know where - maybe the Green - maybe the White.  Life's still good.

6/20=21:  Another fun fishing outing - this time on the White River in Northwestern Colorado.  Given the early cessation of runoff this year, we were able to access places on the main river and various forks that would not normally be available until at least a month later, but it was still somewhat tough wading in places.

We started near Rio Blanco Lake on the lower river and ended up at the source of the North Fork at Trapper's Lake.  Fishing was best on the South Fork though water levels were still not optimal.  Hooked a bunch of good fish there, most of which popped off before being released.  Our best success was at the outlet of Trappers where we hooked and played numbers of beautiful Colorado cuts in the 14-18 inch range.  Just beautiful fish.  Here's the quick video of the trip:

Last Logbook Entry  for previous day

6/25-26:  We spent a few totally unproductive hours on the lower part of the B section of the Green yesterday and today.  Tried everything in the fly box and had not a sign of a strike - nor frankly did we ever see a fish anywhere.  Unbelievable!  Aside from the nice camping the only thing worth noting was a wild cat that swam across the river from me while I was casting (see below).


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