May, 2017


Last Logbook Entry  for previous day 

5/1:  We finally have good warm water fishing down here in AZ.  That's because the air temps are finally heating up too.  Keep in mind this fishing is all being done on private ponds that are now being regularly patrolled to keep "poachers" away, so if you're reading this and try to copy what we're doing, forget it as you'll only end up with a trespassing citation.

OK.  The video below covers a few days of fishing down here.  We're of course strictly catch and release people, but what I've been doing this spring is transplanting certain fish that are overpopulating one pond into a couple of others that are very short of fish - particularly any kind of prey fish.  We'll find out the results in a year or two and hope for success.

The largemouths are a whole lot smarter than even the giant bluegills we've been pulling out, but none of these fish come close to brown trout smarts.  Here's the short video of what we've been doing:



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