April, 2016
Last Logbook Entry � for previous day
4/18: Finally we had some fun on our golf course ponds today. Up to this point the water's been a bit too cold for the fish to be actively feeding, but that's all changed now in mid April. Sue's timing was impeccable to come along today too. She's hyper competitive and hates to not hook fish. My recollection of the day was the last time she shouted "That's number fourteen!".
Another friend from Vail, Garrett Smith joined us too and he released a number of bass and a big bodied hand sized bluegill as well. At the upper pond we caught a few more "pounder" sized bass and I released a discouragingly disinterested carp of probably 15-20 pounds. Everything bodes well for more enjoyable casting the rest of the spring down here.
Here's the short video of the session:
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