February, 2015
2/6: Ah, the first fishing trip of the new year. Wish it had been a great success, but it really wasn't - just nice to be out on a stream again & be able to release a couple of nice fishies. The dog & I drove to Glenwood and I hopped on the Roaring Fork in town and later out by the airport. Stream was in really good shape and remarkably clear for this time of the winter. Also running about a hundred feet higher than normal due to last fall's heavy rainfall.
I'm currently suffering from a bad case of Achilles tendinosis
along with a badly torn calf muscle so was not able to hobble along the rocks to
a couple of my favorite places (that's my excuse for poor success & I'm sticking
to it). Tried nymphing & streamer casting along the bank with very little
luck. Finally out by the airport was able to hook & release a dozen inch
long brown on a Czech style nymph.
Then as a last gasp above the Sunlight Bridge caught a decent
sixteen inch rainbow on a tiny bead head buckskin -
That was it for the day, but as this photo will show, the
weather was about as good as it can get.
Don't know if we'll make it out again before returning to AZ later in the month, but sure hope so.
Last Logbook Entry � for previous day
2/13: Goodie. Got lucky again & made a repeat trip back to the Fork today. OK, it really wasn't great fishing, but the weather was wonderful after it warmed up a bit by noontime. The dog enjoyed the outing as much if not more than I did.
We had a couple of nice fish just above the Sunlight Bridge though nothing at all out by the airport. Heading back to Vail I stopped for a short time at a favorite spot right in the town of Eagle and landed another two fish while playing maybe a half dozen. Found it interesting that every fish took a pseudo Czech style nymph even though I wasn't fishing in that country's fashion. Here's a short video of the trip - and this is going to be the last one here until sometime in June.
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