August, 2014


8/1-5:  Probably our last attempt at another cutt slam in Wyoming.  It's always been an interesting trip, but this time the weather dampened our enthusiasm.  Nonetheless it was successful.  For starters, here's a photo essay of all the different species we released in that state:

   From top to bottom left to right, they are Bonneville, Colorado, Snake River Finespotted, and Yellowstone.

Wonderful, absolutely beautiful fish.  Just can't get enough enjoyment simply looking at them. 

We had indifferent, bordering on really lousy weather again on the trip.  So it's probably our last shot at this fairly intense activity.  We might return to a couple of these fairly unpopulated streams but won't try for a "Slam" again.

The start and ending of the trip on the Green River tailwater below Flaming Gorge Dam was also successful, as will be noted in this somewhat overly long video that follows:


8/9:  We normally don't try to fish on the weekends due to the crowds, but today I did it anyway.  Our time is growing short up here this summer with only a couple of weeks left before we drive off on a long trip to Oregon and then depart for our place in Arizona for the fall, so it was a necessity to get out on the water again.

Turned out pretty well.  Thought we might have been shut out due to chocolatey colored water, but somehow a good number of fish found the nymphs.  Didn't throw anything on the surface even though a couple of heads did come up apparently for the few yellow sallies and PMDs that were available.

The leading stick fly did OK regardless of the color of the fly's collar and both a bead head buckskin and a bead head antenna pupa produced around the same number of strikes.  Monday we hope to be off on an annual loop trip down the Arkansas, over Cottonwood Pass to the Taylor, down that river to the East, up through Crested Butte to Anthracite Creek, and finally on the Crystal before heading home on Tuesday.  A lot of ground to cover - and we'll hope the weather holds up.

Here's the story of today's trip:


8/10-11:  An overnighter this week, which has become an annual event, took us to several rivers and streams noted in the video below.  The weather held up for the most part, and the fishing was decent if not great.  We were a bit disappointed in the sizes of the trout & whiteys we released, but the numbers were certainly OK.



Last Logbook Entry  for previous day

8/18-20:  More ugly weather here in Colorado put something of a damper on our trip this week.  Had hoped to spend two days on our favorite fishing stream - the White River - but relentless rain drove us away and up to the Crystal yesterday afternoon.  A mixed bag that stream was too, but the camping trip was still fun.  The two days before leaving on that trip were spent on both Gore Creek and the Eagle River with decent results.  The summer is really winding down now.  Here's the latest video of our experiences:




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