May, 2012
5/15: The fishing drought was broken this evening. Drove the golf cart out to the San Ignacio pond and enjoyed a wonderful hour of hooking & releasing a bunch of nice largemouth bass - several of which weighed an estimated three to five pounds apiece.
Here's the video of the outing which pretty much describes why the fishing was so good. With luck I'll get in a couple more sessions in the same water before we head back to Colorado in early June - when hopefully the early runoff will let us out on our streams up there.
Last Logbook Entry � for previous day
5/16: An unusual opportunity to hit the same pond two nights in a row was not to be passed up. It was virtually an identically outstanding session again despite the fact that some of these bass had probably been played the previous evening.
Most of the fish sizes were better than decent. This humpbacked specimen
was among the best. For a video of the activity pretty much identical to
yesterday's, click the following video.
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