December, 2011


Last Logbook Entry  é for previous day    

12/19:  Unexpected warmer temperatures and lousy skiing suggested a last-of-the-year trip to fish somewhere close to home.  It turned out to be on the Roaring Fork.  I was surprised when the shore ice was not present to any extent today.  Usually it's a good 6-10 feet out in the river making casting very difficult.

Despite the nicer weather I had pretty punk success.  The first two deeper spots I tried resulted in not even a strike - at least that I could tell.

A bit further upstream finally got a couple of decent rainbows to the bank to unhook, but it was darn tough fishing all day.

Hoofed it across the bridge and upstream, casting nymphs into a brutal late afternoon setting sun, and while hooking three wonderful fish (rainbows again), I misplayed them all and had no further releases.  Turning downstream with a streamer and trailer fly did nothing for me either.

But all in all, it was a pleasant outing and keeps reminding me how nice it is to be on the water despite a lack of fishing success.  Happy Holidays to all.

Here's the brief video of the experience:



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