April, 2021
Last Logbook Entry � for previous day
4/17-24: This was a solo trip I took to what has been our favorite fishing destination in Belize - St. George's Caye, but now it's likely the end for our visits there. Explanation follows in a bit. Getting to and from Belize at the tail end of this year's Covid crisis was pretty easy compared to what it takes to get to other countries right now. We could show our vaccination card to enter the country and then had to take a Covid test on the way to the airport to show that we were not trying to enter back into the USA while infected.
OK. That all being said, let's talk about the resort a little bit more. It was surprisingly busy while I was there - probably 15 -16 folks at various times during my one week stay. As has been the case since we started coming here, they continue to stuff all the guests together at a long communal table for meals. To be really direct, both Sue & I absolutely hate being clumped together with other people while we eat. For us it's distracting and simply unpleasant. Adding to that issue this time was the fact that the quality of the food operation has suffered since our last go around (my take). Decent food is a must anywhere we travel.
The bigger negative about the place for me was that the resort has begun to promote bait fishing off the main dock. It's being utilized by many of the guests, and they have plenty of fun landing and keeping (and eating) many of their hookups each day. I no longer am able to fly fish there, so the opportunities to hook an occasional tarpon are gone for me. And frankly, that's the end. To be honest I really think it's been a good game changer for the resort, and I do wish them well.
On a positive note I found the bone fishing this time around to actually be better than it has ever been in the past. Obviously where I am casting for that species is far away from the crowd at the resort. Had the winds been more cooperative (as in quieter), fishing the sand bar out at the edge of the big barrier reef could have been a nice find. The wind didn't cooperate.
Here's a probably overly long last video of our travels to St. George's Caye:
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