August, 2015



8/1-2: ..........and the beat goes on...............and the beat goes on.  Remember that song?  It's pretty much like what's happened to us here in Colorado this summer.  Too much rain at the wrong times.  Screwing up the fishing for sure.  Here's the latest of our ventures; none of which were either outstanding nor that much fun.  The video says it all:



8/9=10:  Finally! Some fun on a river this summer.  Didn't start out that way as I pretty much got skunked on the Roaring Fork, but the Crystal turned out to be delightful.  Not because I was a great "hooker" of trout, just because the sheer numbers of fish in the water was up to snuff.  Biggest rainbow of the trip was only fourteen, but the action was decent everywhere I stopped along this stream.

  Actually had three double hookups on the trip.  Best working fly was a #18 gray bodied WRS.  The small flat wing caddis that have recently been so successful here on Gore Creek were more or less an afterthought for these wild bows.  Here's the happy video:



8/13-14:  Another decent - OK, not a truly great loop trip here in Colorado.  It's an annual event for us.  Had hoped to fish a number of tributaries of the Gunnison River and complete the trip on the main part of that stream, but we ran out of time so settled for some of the tribs.  We really like the Taylor River above the reservoir, and I personally enjoy the challenge of that river below the same.  Camping on the Almont Triangle is one of our favorite spots in the universe.

Not too much went awry on the trip.  I discovered a broken handle on one rod - happily having spares along, and the Crystal turned out to be sludged out by some kind of thunder bumper, but other than that we had a good time.  Here's the longish video with a few clips from each stop.


8/18:  Wonderful afternoon on Gore Creek today.  Can't get over the number of brook trout gorging on my offerings.  Just lucky to be here when they're all that hungry.  The water's turning cooler & am guessing the fish feel the spawn coming shortly - as well as winter.  The brookie pictured here was a good fifteen inches & heavy - best one I've ever hooked on the creek.   

With flows at late summer levels all the fish seem to be looking up instead of down, at least on this part of the stream.  It's a happy time for me, but maybe not for them despite how gently I try to release them back to their homes.

Here's the video "evidence" of the quality of the fishing:



8/23-24:  Ah....another trip........more fun, but as usual, less than what we've had in the past.  These two days were on the White River, normally one of our very favorite streams in the country.  It's not that way any more for reasons we'll keep in our hip pocket.  We did catch a few fish..... and had some fun playing golf down in Meeker, but it's just not the way in was in the past.  We knew this day would come.

  The video follows.  Both Sue & I caught plenty of fish, albeit definitely on the smallish side:


Last Logbook Entry  for previous day

8/29-30:  Decent fishing two days in a row.  Wow.  First time that's happened this summer.  The Gore Creek trout are now in a feeding frenzy.  They've felt the water temperatures drop and are opening their mouths for anything that hits the water.  It's too easy.

The upper Arkansas was a bit different situation today, but the little braids on which I started casting were great - the main river itself left something to be desired.  Both the dog & I enjoyed the long hike, the wading, and the releasing.

Tomorrow I have to go to Glenwood so hope that the Fork is in decent shape when I get on it.  Here's a short video of both the past couple of days:





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